Dr. Li's SAT Workbook Online Store

Item# Book Title Unit Price Quantity  
DL1001 Math and Problem Solving
Book Level:   

Each level includes three volumes (36 booklets)

DL1002 Verbal and Reading
Book Level:   

Each level includes three volumes (36 booklets)

DL1003 Grammar and Writing
Book Level:   

Each level includes three volumes (36 booklets)


   We offer workbook system for 3rd to 11th grade on three subjects: math/problem solving, verbal/reading, and grammar/writing.
   Each subject for one grade level has 3 volumes. Volume one is the basic level; volume two is the medium level; and volume three is the challenging level.
   Each volume has 12 booklets. Each booklet is for a week's work, about 12 pages of problems + 3 pages of answer and solution.
   For example, if you purchase three subjects for whole year, you will be getting 36x3 = 108 booklets. 
   The pace of the growth is set by the student and the parents. A motivated student can finish two grade level's work within one year.
   Take the advantages of the best engineered math and English material which is personalized for your child only. Every problem is supplied with hint, answer and detailed solution. The solution, rich in textual and visual explanation, is hard to misunderstand. 

When you check out thru. Paypal, please put your child name in the note field.
       2) No shipping charge (USA customer only). International customers have to contact us before placing the order.
       3) If you prefer to pay by check, please go to Dr Li SAT Workbook Order Form

李博士英,数,文法 自学系统

特为新型SAT (2400分)而设计


李博士毕业于台湾大学数学系,在台大拿到数学硕士学位后来美深造, 在 Purdue University 数学系博士班研读。其后转而攻读计算机系,而获得拿到计算机博士学位。毕业后,先后在 Hughes Network System, Bellcore,和 TransTech Networks 担任资深软件研究员。现成立软件科技公司,从事韧体研发的业务。

在Purdue University数学系博士班期间曾担任 Calculus Instructor。深深地体会到美国数学教育的薄弱。 实际了解到美国初,高中所学的与大学所需的,实在有一段落差。因此把孩子的数学基础打好是迫不及待的。其后在教导自己的孩子数学过程中,遍寻不着一套合适的教材之后,从而着手编写此套教材。这套教材是李博士累积了十余年教学的经验,内容涵盖了公私立学校各年级数学教材, 各州数学 Assessment Test 和竞试的题目,一般学生常犯错的题型,常考的问题,加上属于各年级 SAT的题型和题目统统囊括在内。

[数学]这套教材内容着实完整,每个主题章节更有必备的导引、定义、定理、及例题。解题严谨,源起交代得清清楚楚,思路清晰、图文并茂、容易明暸、题目由浅入深、题题相关。挑战题特别能引人深思,趣味丰富值得探索。 从 K to 11年级,从基础数学,Pre-Algebra,Algebra I,Geometry,Algebra II,Trigonometry,到 Pre-Cal。内容不但连贯完整而且由易而难,循序渐进。反机械式的数学教学方式,内容含括趣味数学、机智数学、头脑体操、逻辑思考、机率统计、解析几何、方程解析、简易数论、数学应用、严密的数理逻辑贯穿其间。由于使用题组群,让学生便于逻辑的堆栈,对于问题本身的了解有极大的帮助;再难的问题也变得更 friendly。

[英文]的内容着重于字汇及阅读能力的 build-up。英文的练习包括 vocabulary power, reading comprehension,and sentence completion。SAT常考的单字大概有9000个字,是临时抱佛脚所无法记牢的,也是我们东方孩子最弱的一环。特别针对此弱点,这些单字被分成九个年级,平均一个年级有1000字左右。如此一来,孩子们就可以比较轻松而扎实地学得这些单字,通常这样的学习效率是最高的。另外一个特色就是,每个单字都会有 definition matching 的文字游戏,再加上填空游戏。经过这些头脑体操之后,每一个单字都自然地被吸收了。这一套英文教材对于我们东方孩子是最有效的。

[文法写作]则从简单的词系,语法,用法,句子结构,同位语,分词构句,介系词,词组,而到错误订正(error identification), 句子改进(sentence improvement), 以至于段落修改(paragraph enhancement)。为提高学生写作的分数,特别详细分析评分标准。


Workbook System Description

Your order will receive book quality print with stapled, 3-hole punched letter size (8 1/2x 11) paper.

How does the workbook system work?

We offer workbook system for 3rd to 11th grade on three subjects: math/problem solving, verbal/reading, grammar/writing.

Each subject for one grade level has 3 volumes. Volume one is the basic level; volume two is the medium level; and volume three is the challenging level.

Each volume has 12 booklets. Each booklet is for a week's work, about 12 pages of problems + 3 pages of answer and solution.

For example, if you purchase three subjects for whole year, you will be getting 36x3 = 108 booklets.

The pace of the growth is set by the student and the parents. A motivated student can finish two grade level's work within one year.

Take the advantages of the best engineered math and English material which is personalized for your child only. Every problem is supplied with hint, answer and detailed solution. The solution, rich in textual and visual explanation, is hard to misunderstand. Usually, you will receive newer version than the samples on this site.



 E-Mail: newcncpt@hotmail.com