Dr. Li SAT Workbook Order Form

  You can order Dr Li's workbooks by using check for payment, please print this page, fill it out and send it along with your check, titled "New Concept".

Subject Grade Volumes Unit Price Quantity Total

3 volumes

$180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $
3 volumes $180.00   $

 Free Shipping Charge:



Child's full name (First, Last)
Parent's full name (First, Last)
Home Phone

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Send your check with the order form to

New Concept 
1175 Johnson Ave.
San Jose, CA 95129

Notes: 1) You must fill the full name of the child who is going to use the books.
             2) For USA Customer only.

 E-Mail: newcncpt@hotmail.com